You can't tell anything is wrong at all. Until you can. Our customer stepped into their trailer and felt the soft floor.
After removing the dinnete and more, we were able to remove the tile and see how far the damage actually went.
Even though it wasn't yet soft, the water damage went pretty far forward and was completely left to right.
Getting deeper, we realized the the entire floor was saturated.
Complete floor removal. At this point we saw that the openings inbetween the framing were substantial. A lot bigger than we were comfortable with.
All cleaned up, and prepped for reinstallation.
We did find some aluminum corrosion however.
We wrapped the bottom side of the lower wood, separated the house from the frame and installed it.
Next came the galvanised stripping for cabinet fastening.
Finally the upper layer was glued. We added weight while the glue dried.
In addition the glue, we also used fasteners on the bottom.
When we were able to stand on it, we weren't happy with the firmness. We added steel bracing underneath to help support the weight.
New tile and cabinet installation.
New tile and cabinet installation.